Reboot feelings

25 ottobre 2016 8:51 di Jazzi Shortlist

Di Ilya Ternovenko

1 SECRET GARDEN – Along the way visitors find different places. Gardens mountain plants evoke a heightened perception of flavors. Required work: Plants growing in the mountains. Rare plants.

2 SOUND SCULPTURE – Rising above the mountains, visitors encounter strange objects, that make the journey to feel otherwise one of these objects – sound sculpture – will provide an opportunity to hear the mountains. Required work:manufacture of steel structure pipe. Set the structure in place with strong winds.

3 Grail of water – On top of the mountain visitors expect large bowl, filled with rainwater. It will enable a refreshing dip after a long journey, and get a taste of the mountains. Required work: Make a bowl of stone or metal. Set the bowl on top of the mountain. Provide drainage system under the bowl.

4 Gold mesh – At the olive grove we use the gold mesh. Perception of the local utilitarian objects from aesthetic side. (it help gather olives and give «magic» effect to the place). Required work: mesh cover different areas.

5 Promenade – After spending the night in jazzy, guests are greeted at sunrise viewing platform. The fog dissipates and becomes visible horizon. At this point visitors perceive space specially. Required work: create a wooden structure length of 300 meters.

6 Perforated pavilion – Not far from the jazzy, you can find a toilet. It is a small wooden pavilion, covered with perforated boards. Inside the pavilion – a dark space, lit by bright rays, penetrating through the holes in the wall. Contrast Illumination feature will feel the sun in the mountains. Required work: Create a wooden frame. Create a facade board with perforation. to establish a bio-toilet in a separate room

7 Night in jazzi – Place for hearth is located in the Jazzo della Cropana. Guests of the mountain gather around the hearth in jazzy and prepare food using aromatic herbs planted in the courtyard of jazzy and watch the stars.

8 Place for relax – Jazzy envisaged for spending the night and exposed to minimal modifications: insulation, wood flooring, and adding items of rustic objects for simple life in mountain. 9 cafe – Some jazzy is equipped as canteen. It open for all visitors and provide a place for communication and sharing the experience. Required work: At the olive grove we use the gold network(they help collect the olives and give “magic” effect to the place.


The concept of the reboot feelings . The world we perceived through different senses (which is actually more than 6). Since childhood, we remember the smells, the images, tactile sensations, thereby made a picture of the world/external environment. Concept idea is to use different effects, in different ways affect the perception of the world (the illusion, the play of light and shadows, temperature, smells, etc.), thereby resetting the consciousness of the visitor. In the beginning the mind will try to think on a template, but going all the way, the hero will get new experience and new emotions, and the senses are sharpened. This effect is created by creating objects that will have different effects on the senses, to mislead, disappearing or drawing attention to himself. For the perception of some objects need to get to a certain time of day(dawn, night), to make this possible, the heroes can spend the night in JAZZI. All these experiences appear along the paths, surprising, inspiring, involving the observation of visitor. JAZZI — a place of rest from these complex experiences. Here, Visitors relax, sleep, eat, and share their experiences with fellow travelers.

Slow pathways— On the way visitors meet the objects. The object effects on mind by using the following senses: SIGHT, HEARING, TOUCH, SMELL, TASTE. Visitor will get new experience and new emotions, and his senses are sharpened. Living the night — Visitors will relax after a long journey, guests of the mountain gather around the hearth in jazzy and prepare food using aromatic herbs planted in the courtyard of jazzy and watch the stars. Regenerating the jazzi — Jazzy envisaged for spending the night and exposed to minimal modifications: insulation, wood flooring, and adding items of rustic objects for simple life in mountain.

We use local traditional materials, all the objects maksimalno available in the manufacture and installation (does not require major earthworks, laying communications, many elements are fabricated remotely and can in any case easily removed that they will not spoil the environment)

First step of realisation is begening with equipment jazzy for housing Second step of realisation is installation of simple objects(SOUND SCULPTURE, Perforated pavilion, Promenade, Grail of water) Third step of realisation is installation of Secret Garden, by soil preparation and landing plants.


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