
Local organisations will be strengthened through the creation of a network made up of reciprocal knowledge, collaboration and debate. Initial surveys of the territory have highlighted the great potential of existing organisations, from the walkers associations to the music schools of Camerota, from the planting of new vineyards to the founding of small cooperatives.
In the medium term, comparisons with similar experiences outside of the local context will be organised and supported. Specifically, dialogue will be favoured with other practices such as nature paths, the development and valorisation of “residual” and non-conventional hospitality areas, including diffused hotels, and festivals and initiatives.
Activities and events will be promoted: possible initiatives could include, for example, the adoption of thousand-year-old olive trees, a festival of local bands, mountain top concerts, a new “multiple” signage.
Artists will be invited to the territory to connect with the spirits of these places, as white pages to write on.
Residencies, meetings, laboratories, performances held at night and in nature will provide a new way of observing and interacting with the landscape, people and local stories.
This will allow the project to become a laboratory, a workshop, a space for research, meetings and creation, whose protagonists will be the artists along with the active participation of local associations and inhabitants.
